Former Military Intelligence Chief Fined RM70,000 for Corruption

KUALA LUMPUR - The former Director-General of the Defence Intelligence Staff Division with the rank of Lieutenant General (Retired) was fined RM70,000 by the Court here today on two charges of bribery for receiving services and RM50,000 in cash last year.

Judge Suzana Hussin imposed the fine on Datuk Sheikh Mokhsin Sheikh Hassan, 60, after the accused pleaded guilty to the two charges against him.

For the first charge, if the accused fails to pay the fine of RM55,000 he can be sentenced to six months imprisonment while for the second charge, if the accused fails to pay the fine of RM15,000, he can be sentenced to three months imprisonment. The accused paid the fine.

According to the first charge, Sheikh Mokhsin is alleged to have received a service worth RM10,000 paid by a managing director of a military equipment and software supply company, which was related to his official work done in a hotel room in Langkawi between 21 and 23 June 2020. .

While the second charge, the accused is alleged to have received RM50,000 cash from the same individual at his office in the Defence Intelligence Staff Division, Ministry of Defence at 2.30 on 26 June 2020.

For both offences the charge is submitted under Section 165 of the Penal Code which provides for imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine or both.

Earlier during the appeal, lawyer Datuk Mohd. Shahrom Mohamad asked the court to take into account his client's good service record and service to the country.

“The accused was involved in a peacekeeping mission under the United Nations (UN) in Iraq in 1988 and was the Head of Mission of the International Monitoring Group in Mindanao, Philippines in 2015.

“The accused has saved court time when he pleaded guilty voluntarily without any coercion and commitment. In this blessed and glorious month of Ramadan, we request the court to impose a light fine, ”he said.

However, Deputy Public Prosecutor Siti Noor Hafizan Zakaria objected to the appeal and stated that the court should impose an appropriate sentence on the accused so that the judiciary is not seen as not serious in curbing corruption.

"The prosecution also requested that the RM50,000 cash confiscated be deprived of the right to the government," he said. 
