Change of Command for Malaysia Infantry Fifth Bridge Commander

SABAH: Commander of the Malaysia Fifth Infantry Division (5 Div), Maj Gen Dato' Hj Mohd Halim Khalid has witnessed the handing over of the Malaysia Fifth Infantry Brigade (5 Bde) Commander at Wisma Perwira Third Battalion Royal Malay Regiment (3rd Regiment) on 18  May 2021.

The event began with the signing of a Handover Note between the former Commander of 5 Bde, Brig Gen Zambery Jefry Hj Darus and the acting Commander of 5 Bde, Lt Col Yousrie Muhamad.
All members of the 5 Div expressed their highest appreciation and thanks to Brig Gen Zambery Jefry Hj Darus for his devotion and service as the Commander of 5 Bde.

- Headquarters of the Malaysia Fifth Infantry Division
